New in QuickLicense 7.0

Excel Spreadsheet Protection  Plugin Protection

Generate a protected Mac (APP) or Windows (EXE) from an Excel Spreadsheet.

Present an elegant Control Panel to Add, Clone, Rename, Update and Share protected files on licensed computers.


Protect and license any plugin for Mac or Windows host applications.

Protect a Photoshop Plugin with interface code that binds to the QuickLicense runtime.

Trial to Product - Human Managed  Trial to Product - Internet Automated

Let potential customers download a time or execution limited Trial.

Sell a computer unique code to upgrade that Trial ticket to a full Product license.


Collect customer data during Trial.

Instantly upgrade Trial ticket to full Product when customer purchases a Serial Number for activation.

Batch Automation  Auto Upgrade License

Customize, Clone, Organize and Batch Build multiple protected applications or spreadsheets with AddLicense.

Build all Trial, Product and Subscription editions with a button click when software changes.


Give installed customers new product and licensing features with a silient license upgrade.

Retain stored Serial Number, Ticket and activation data on customer computer.

Customer Assistance  Promotional URLs

Simplify the customer experience and reduce support cost with smart automation focused on immediate needs.

Let customer lookup Serial Number online, activate with an Email or Text command, guide them through an offline activation or manage a subscription license without Internet access.


Enhance the Trial experience or use a free Product to promote other products and services.

On launch, present a sequence of web pages that highlight new features, tutorials, related products or purchase information to potential customers.