Software Protection and License Management...
QuickLicense Intro
Use QuickLicense to define a license to protect software. Apply that license with the AddLicense wrapping tool or call the runtime API directly.
Try Buy Protected App
Learn to generate a Try Buy Protected Application. Configure the license with QuickLicense and apply it with AddLicense.
QuickLicense macOS M1
Run QuickLicense on macOS M1 to apply offline or online activation with AddLicense or API.
Floating License macOS M1
Generate License Server and Monitor to license floating Mac, Windows or Linux desktop apps.
Protect Unity 3D
Protect and license a Unity game with AddLicense tool in QuickLicense. The same approach works for MAX MSP and embeds resource files into the EXE.
Protect Unity3D on Mac
Protect Unity3D resources in macOS APP bundle. Apply simple Product license with AppProtect or a Try/Buy license with QuickLicense.
Floating Licenses
Learn how to deploy any Mac or Windows application as a floating license running within a customer network that requires no Internet access.
Protect an application with AppProtect so first launch presents a computer unique Enter Password dialog. Automate the activation process with Safe Activation.
Learn how LicenseSupport can simplify customer support. It demonstrates setup, direct and Internet commands plus integrated customer data, history logs and email support.
Software Protection for Xcode
Learn how to protect and license Xcode software with QLRT Xcode. Drop in the static library, call a function and in minutes add the power of QuickLicense to your application.
FileMaker Protection
Configure a license with QuickLicense and apply it to a FileMaker application using a plugin. Protect a FileMaker application with a Product, Trial, Try/Buy, Subscription or Floating license.
Xojo Protection
Configure a license with QuickLicense and apply it to a Xojo App with a plugin. Protect a Xojo application with a Product, Trial, Try/Buy, Subscription or Floating license.
USB Dongle Protection for Software
Use MakeDongle to create a USB dongle that allows protected Mac, Windows or Linux software to run.
Protect and License Swift App
Protect and license a Mac app created with Apple's new Swift programming language using QuickLicense runtime software.
Subscription License Intro
Explore a Subscription license for an application, plugin, game, spreadsheet, video, eBook, PDF or mobile app.
PhoneGap DRM
Protect and license a PhoneGap Cordova application using CloudRT.
Linux Desktop App DRM
Protect, license and sell a Linux Desktop application. Use QuickLicense to define a license and apply it to your desktop App using the 32 or 64-bit API or LinuxWrap tool.
Photoshop Plugin Protection
Protect and license a Photoshop Plugin on Mac or Windows using QuickLicense.
Apply AppProtect To LiveCode
Apply Offline or Online Serial Number Activation to LiveCode App with AppProtect.
Use QuickLicense for LiveCode App
Apply Offline or Online Serial Number Activation to LiveCode App with QuickLicense API or AddLicense.
License and Sell Electron App
Protect, license and sell an Electron app. Use AppProtect or QuickLicense to add offline or online activation, then build an installer with ClickInstall.
Electron QuickLicense API
License an Electron app with QuickLicense API. Bind a license to QuickLicenseRT with Javascript. Create and run an installer on macOS and Windows.
Multiple User Licensing
A network server or cloud service like Azure or AWS can present an App to multiple user accounts using Remote Desktop client software running on any computer or device. QuickLicense can control how many user accounts can run an App.
AppProtect and Safe Activation
Use AppProtect with a Safe Activation account. Automate the purchase, delivery and online Serial Number activation process. Generate a Reset Code or extend a Time Limited license.