Objective-C is a superset of ANSI C with object-oriented extensions that allow classes, categories and protocols to be defined, class-instantiated objects and messages sent between objects. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the industry standard notation for modeling object-oriented software. When the Objective-C language is selected in MacA&D, UML class diagrams are tailored to the language for modeling and code generation. The MacTranslator OSX reengineering tool generates UML class diagrams from existing Objective-C source code. The PDF document titled, UML for Objective-C shows how to model Objective-C software with the UML notation.
Click to expand the MacA&D OSX screen at the left or on a box pictured below for a detailed product description. See Cocoa framework... These diagrams were created from Apple's Objective-C example code. Source code was processed by MacTranslator to extract design information that was imported into MacA&D to generate diagrams.