To build a profitable business, additional resources are often needed to design, protect, license and deploy the applications. Learn more about the tools available for Delphi, C++ Builder and InterBase projects: |
Delphi Software Design
Generate class models, structure charts or data models in WinA&D from existing code with minimal human effort. Navigate through the graphic design and click directly to source code with the integrate code browser.
Configure and apply almost any type of license (Time-Limited Trial, Product, Try/Buy or Subscription) or activation process (Offline, Online, Dongle) to any kind of software (Application, DLL, etc). Learn more... Use QuickLicense to protect and license your Delphi application. Use the included AddLicense tool to wrap the application with a configured license or call the runtime API with a few lines of added source code. An Examples document includes source code for use in your 32-bit or 64-bit Delphi or C++ Builder application.